Understanding stock calls and puts is crucial for investors interested in exploring the advantages of options trading
Options trading can help stock market investors leverage their investment capital and maximize their returns
The ability to conduct transactions of digital assets anytime and anywhere has opened new possibilities for stock market investors
Tips for selecting the most appropriate online trading platform depending on the specific needs of each investor
A checklist for beginners to guide their selection of the best stock market investments and improve their chances of financial success
Investing during a recession can be a profitable endeavor for those entering the stock market with a long time horizon and the right investment strategy
Understanding the role of emotions in the financial decisions of investors can go a long way in helping avoid mistakes in stock market transactions
Investment strategies that include risk management measures at their core will be better prepared to protect stock portfolios from a stock market crash
A selection of stock market books to help beginners define their investing strategies, manage their stock portfolios, and start growing their money
Investing in stocks with a high Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) rating and track record may be the most sensible approach in the long run
A collection of resources to help prospective investors learn how the stock market works, define an investment strategy, and start growing their money
Raising taxes on fossil fuels can be a proactive way to promote the use of renewable energy while increasing revenues for public investments
Ten factors to consider when defining policy initiatives, strategic priorities, and resource allocations to encourage the adoption of renewable energy sources
A key challenge in the process of adapting to the impacts of climate change is switching from a fossil fuel economy to a system based on renewable energy
Untying foreign aid can empower local partners in strategic ways, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of international development programs
The economic, social, and environmental impacts created by conflict minerals in the DRC illustrate the adverse impacts of corporate social irresponsibility
Foreign aid can enhance its effectiveness and achieve socioeconomic development by taking into account the views of developing countries in the process
Getting a book published depends to a significant extent on the intended genre and marketplace for the book, the size of the publisher, and the type of publishing arrangement
Not all book publishers operate in the same way. The size of their operations and the type of arrangements with authors make a significant difference
Publishing a book for a general audience allows authors to share their ideas beyond the academic community, and contribute to the enrichment of public knowledge
Understanding the different options available for publishing a manuscript can help authors find the best book publishers for their written works
A crucial challenge when defining the household is its multidimensionality, which in some cases warrants the need for different household typologies
Embedded in culture and tradition, hunting and gathering were very important in the subsistence of the Wachiperi, an indigenous group of the Peruvian rainforest
Learning how to break one’s own fall (ukemi) as a reflective motion is one of the first and most important judo techniques to be learned by judo beginners
Members of the Wachiperi community of Queros in Peru have been developing a community-based cultural tourism program. Learn more about this initiative
As landholders and workers adapt to the evolving socioeconomic trends, the mix of cattle ranching and agriculture may hold the key to their survival
The key elements of a judo throw are getting a firm grip (Kumi Kata), getting your opponent off-balance (Kuzushi), getting into position (Tsukuri), and executing the throw (Kake)
We need to fully acknowledge the complex, multidimensional, and changing environmental behavior of indigenous peoples, which varies across settings
Judo can instill values, build character, and develop social and problem-solving skills, allowing you to stay focused and achieve success in many areas, while keeping you in good shape
Two key principles of judo are maximum efficiency with minimal effort and mutual benefit, which are used in combination with strategy, safety, and situational risk awareness